Canoe Hall
This gallery tells the stories of the Tulalip Tribes military tradition that was born of a warrior spirit. Here, we honor the Tulalip men and women that served our country in times of conflict and peace, allowing us to endure freedom.
The Tulalip Tribes military tradition was born of a warrior spirit that protected our families and territories. Warriors were expected to live a healthy and balanced life. In time of war they risked everything and many gave their lives to fulfill their role of protecting the people.
For the past hundred years, the same warrior spirit compelled our men and women to enlist in the United States Armed Forces - regardless of the racism many encountered and the hardships, nightmares, and abandonment they experienced upon returning home. They served in times of conflict and in times of peace so that we may live with an enduring sense of freedom.
For more information about the Warriors: We Remember exhibit, select the following:
Cultural Warriors
Our cultural and traditional understanding of a high ranking warrior is that he is a "siʔab tubšədəʔ sdᶻixʷqs". To us this means that not only is he a warrior, he is a warrior leader. He did this through hard work and good behavior. It isn't about his military rank. It means that he is a good husband or wife, father or mother, provider, protector and defender of his or her family, people, territory and tribal interests. A cultural warrior is not just a fighter or defender. He is also a caretaker and caregiver for his family, people and culture. Our warriors fight to uphold these traditional values as well as our nation's values.
Learn more:
Tulalip Tribes: Who We Are